PhD (Statistical Sciences) from the Institute of Statistical Mathematics with a doctoral thesis entitled “Identification of Importance-Weighting and Geodesics on Statistical Manifolds”.
- Research Fellow in statistics at The University of Melbourne
- Email: m.kimura[at]unimelb.edu.au
Selected publications
- Masanari Kimura and Howard Bondell. “Density Ratio Estimation via Sampling along Generalized Geodesics on Statistical Manifolds”. AISTATS 2025. paper
- Masanari Kimura†, Takahiro Kawashima†, Tasuku Soma, Hideitsu Hino. “Discrete Bregman Divergence”. ICLR 2025. paper
- Masanari Kimura and Hideitsu Hino. “A Short Survey on Importance Weighting for Machine Learning”. TMLR 2024. paper
- Masanari Kimura and Hideitsu Hino. “Information Geometrically Generalized Covariate Shift Adaptation.” Neural Computation (2022). paper
† Equally contributed